Printing Education and Research 1.2

Section 2 Secondary Professional Education

Printed professional education is generally divided into two types based on the education management system and sources of education funding: one is a secondary specialized school run by the printing and printing department, and the other is a printing management department and a local education administration department. Professional Secondary Schools.

First, secondary professional schools

As of 1990, there were 6 regular secondary specialized schools run by the printing and printing authorities (of which Beijing Printing Professional School was discontinued in 1982). They were:

1. Shanghai Printing School

The school was founded in October 1953. In the early stage, it was a middle technical school and its training target was skilled workers. Since 1957, it has been restructured into a secondary professional school, and the Ministry of Culture has entrusted the Shanghai Publishing Bureau to manage it. The enrolled students were from the printing industry printing companies in provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions. The training targets were technicians and the academic year was 3 years. Since 1960, the source of students has been changed to recruit junior high school graduates for the society. The school system lasts for 4 years. At the beginning, there were four specialties: letterpress lithography, lithographic lithography, letterpress printing and lithography. Since 1960, professional printing machines have been added.

With the approval of the Ministry of Culture, in 1960, a junior college class was also trial run, with a three-year academic period and 44 graduate students. From 1958 to 1965, the school also held several rounds of cadre training courses and short-term worker training courses for print shops in Shanghai and around the country. Just as the school passed through the difficulties of the start-up and began to mature, the "Cultural Revolution" began in 1966, the school was forced to close, teachers were dismissed, and the school buildings were occupied by other factories. It was not until 1978 that the "gang of four" was crushed. In 1978, it was re-admission. The school has four professional lithography, letterpress, lithography and printing machines and corresponding internship factories. Since 1981, it has recruited students nationwide for 3 years. According to the development trend of printing technology, it has re-adjusted its professional settings, and set up three engineering majors in plate making, printing and printing equipment management, and two liberal arts majors in print art design and publishing. This indicates that the school has taken a gratifying step from the single engineering type in the past to the comprehensive development of engineering and liberal arts. In 1985, the school had 12 classes (including a staff training class) with 360 students.

Since the 1980s, China has adopted a policy of reform and opening up. The school has sent staff to visit the country on many occasions. According to the agreement signed between China and Italy, Italy provided equipment and the two sides jointly organized the Sino-Italian printing training center (Figure 24-2).

0875.gif (32275 bytes) Coloring book 24-2

With the approval of the National Education Commission, Shanghai Printing School has been upgraded to Shanghai Printing Academy from 1988. After 34 years of difficult and winding roads, the Shanghai Printing School has trained 4,618 professionals of various types for the country. Of these, 16 classes of 65 classes have trained 2526 students, of which 77 are technical teachers, 44 are junior college students, and the rest are Secondary school graduates. At the same time, 2092 short-term student trainees were given training classes in printing technology cadres, short courses in various technical theories, and training courses. These students were distributed on the printing front across the country and became an important backbone force in the printing industry. 24-2.

Table 24-2 Statistics of the Regional Distribution of Graduates (Graduates) in Shanghai Printing School (1953-1993)

Number of graduates in previous years Short-term classes Number of graduates in the region Number of previous graduates Short-course classes Number of graduates Beijing 222100 Guizhou 3017 Shanghai 1078168 Tibet 13 Tianjin 3033 Xinjiang 1525 Guangxi 5967 Gansu 6828 Guangdong 12993 Qinghai 818 Jiangsu 163239 Ningxia Anhui 7169 Shaanxi Shaanxi 6345 Zhejiang 50167 Inner Mongolia 2939 Jiangxi 3586 Hebei 29117 Fujian 9180 Shandong 72116 Hunan 60121 Shanxi 1858 Hubei 62138 Liaoning 4760 Henan 4268 Jilin 4567 Hainan 816 Heilongjiang 2560 Sichuan 124151 Hong Kong 10 Yunnan

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