Curling site standard introduction

Curling, also known as curling and curling, is a kind of throwing competition on the ice for the team. The Winter Olympics competition consists of two items for men and women. The curling is a round pot, made of natural granite without granite, and all of the world's natural granites for the production of fine curling are produced on an island off the coast of Scotland, and only the Scots hold the world's best. Horizontal curling technique. The circumference is about 91.44 cm, and the height (bottom and top of the pot) is 11.43 cm, and the weight (including the pot handle and pot stopper) is a maximum of 19.96 kg. The reason for brushing ice is to reduce friction.

Site standards

The cross section of the curling track is U-shaped and not horizontal. The reason why such design is not an error of the ice-maker is that the ice-maker is professional, because U-shaped ice can help high-level athletes to play arcs. Line ball.


The site on which the curling stone is used is a 44.5m long, 4.32m wide ice chute. At one end of the track, a circle with a diameter of 1.83 meters was drawn as the player's teeing area and was called the home base. The other side of the ice track also draws a circle and is called a camp. The camp consists of four concentric circles with radii of 0.15m, 0.61m, 1.22m, and 1.83m, respectively. The red circles between the two outside circles. There is a beveled rubber crepe at each end of the field. There is a blue solid line at both ends of the curling site called the "forward line" and the "back line." After curling, if you don't enter the front line or cross the back line, it will be considered invalid and will be cleared off the court.

Side line: Any stone ball that touches the sideline is considered to be out and should be removed from the court immediately.

House: One end of a sheet, consisting of several concentric circles.

Hack : hack : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :.

Tee line: When the ball is thrown, if the ball has passed the center line of the throw area, it cannot be re-thrown. After the stone ball is thrown, one's ice-scanner can brush the ice before the stone ball passes the center line of the target area; afterwards, the other side's owner will have the right to brush the ice so that the ball can leave the center of the circle.

Hog line: When the ball is thrown, the player must leave the ball before the line in the throw area. After the ball is thrown, if the ball does not pass completely through the column line of the target area, the ball is considered to be out. However, if there has been a collision with the ball in the game, then the ball does not have to completely pass the line.

2D-358 Anti Climb Fence

Anti climb fence, also known as security fence or prison fence, is a type of fence designed to prevent unauthorized access or entry by limiting the ability of people to climb over it. The fence typically consists of closely spaced vertical bars, with sharp-tipped or curved tops, and is typically made of metal or other durable materials.
Anti-climb fences are commonly used in high-security areas, such as prisons, military bases, and critical infrastructure sites, as well as in commercial and residential properties where security is a concern. They are also used to secure perimeters and boundaries, and to create barriers around construction sites or other areas that are off-limits to the public.

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