In Canada, this tree grows only in British Columbia and can be found in the Pacific Rim north to Alaska and in the inland wetlands. This is one of the largest tree species in the Pacific, growing alone or in small areas, and has never been purely clumped to any degree. The sapwood is thin with a pale yellow color. Heartwood is available in a variety of colors, from light yellow to light red to dark brown. The texture of the wood is straight. It is non-porous and has a unique aromatic scent. This wood is the lightest of all important commercial conifer species. This is a medium-strength softwood, but has excellent weather resistance. Heartwood contains a large amount of apple extract and is classified as highly preserved wood. Western red cedar is prone to dryness, low shrinkage, and exhibits dimensional stability in use. Western Red Cedar has excellent processing quality and can be machined into a smooth and bright finished surface. Western Red Cedar is completely resin-free and has good bonding properties. It has low to medium clamping force for nails and screws and absorbs paint paint well.
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