When you apply for a personal bank loan, the bank will decide whether to lend you according to your income. At this time, you need to give a personal income certificate to the bank. For the first time, the bank will definitely make a loan. How to write proof of income ? The following decoration home decoration network Xiaobian will teach you how to write a personal income proof template , the friends who can use it can copy one to use.
Personal income certificate templates
    bank        Sub-branch:
Mr. ( Ms. ) , ID card number, is the employee of my unit ( official / employed ) . I apply for a commercial loan to your bank for purchasing a house. The salary income is as follows:
The monthly salary income of the employee ( actually issued ) is :     Ten thousand     thousand     hundred     pickup     Yuan ( lower case         Yuan ) .
Hereby prove
The unit hereby promises that the above salary is true. If the employee has no actual repayment ability, it will not be able to return the principal and interest of the loan. The unit will not be liable for joint compensation.
Unit salary department ( signature )
    year     month     day
Unit address:
Contact person of the salary department: Contact number:
The above is what Xiaobian brought to you.  How to write loan income proof ? Personal income certificate templates  I believe that everyone has a basic understanding of how to write a loan income certificate after reading this article . If you want to know more about decoration consultation, please click to enter the decoration knowledge channel !
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