Mahogany furniture can be divided into full mahogany furniture, mahogany furniture, and mahogany furniture according to different materials.
Full mahogany furniture : All wooden parts of the furniture are made of the same mahogany material (except mirror trays). The exterior of the furniture and the main components (frame material) are made of the same mahogany material, and the non-main parts are made of mahogany materials different from the substrate.
Mahogany furniture : The visible side of the furniture and all the frames are made of mahogany, and the inner plates are made of non-redwood. The bed frame and sofa furniture are made of mahogany materials except for the skeleton of the wrapping process and the bed. The bed is quite allowed to use other high-quality hardwood materials. The bed frame of the covering process and the skeleton in the sofa allow other wooden materials.
Mahogany furniture : the door panels, countertops, stools, sofas, and side panels of the exterior are all made of mahogany solid panels, exposed frames, feet, slabs, decorative lines, top covers and foot plates, etc. Made of mahogany. The exposed wooden parts are made of other non-mahogany materials or mahogany veneer sheets.
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