Third, adding an open intermediate format to the RIP process
Linotype-Hell's Delta RIP, and Harlequin's scriptWorks belong to this category. The entire Delta RIP consists of Delta software, Delta Tower, DeltaWorkstation. Delta RIP is an all-in-one system. The most notable feature of the Delta technology is the introduction of an intermediate format called Delta List between interpretation and rasterization.
The Delta List format is open and has the following effects:
1, can make other RIP supplier manufacturers also make a Delta List, connect the Delta List to the output device Delta Tower processor can output.
2, allows third-party developers to write an application into the Delta List to complete such tasks as trapping, imposition, and color proofing.
3. Allow Delta RIP to drive output devices other than "Linotype-Hell". Other vendors only need to develop programs that can read the Delta List format and write an interface to their output devices.
In this way, in addition to the usual print queue management, image management, and OPI service functions, the Delta RIP system also provides functions such as trapping, proofing, imposition, and off-line production. The Delta List allows the output device to run at full speed while using the specified hardware processor and the specified output device. Another feature of the Delta technology is "RIP once, output multiple times". Delta RIP can be used with Linotype-Hell's dedicated layout workstation Sign-a-station, Digital Proofing Form-Proof, and servers and databases to meet multiple requirements in digital workflows.
Harlequin's script Works also sets Display List Access between interpretation and output imaging. It allows OEMs and third parties to write specific applications for users and put these applications into script works to enhance their respective systems. In addition to trapping, previewing, etc., Harlequin Fine Screening (HPS) is also included in the script Work RIP. HPS can reduce or eliminate moire. It can also choose the dot angle and frequency to get the desired result. The Script Work's "Extra Grays" feature can be used in conjunction with the HPS to extend the gray level of each color. Script Works can overlap the input, interpretation, and output, that is, when interpreting a document, the previously interpreted document can be output from a selected device, and the next document can be received. In many cases, this means that the output device can run at full speed without pausing between pages or print jobs.
Works compresses and exists on the hard disk before sending it directly to the output device. This way, on the one hand, it saves time compared to storing the original uncompressed print job. On the other hand, when extra work or machine breakdown is required, it is not necessary to interpret the print job again because all the dot matrix data has been stored on the disk. It is easy to re-output. If you need to reorder pages, you can stop the original page from being interpreted again when you interrupt the printing of a page and reprint it during the process.
Script Works is also fully compatible with Postscript Level 2 and promises compatibility with Postscript Level 3.
Script Works handles PDF 1.2 documents. The mixed workflow of script Works supports a variety of input formats such as Postscript, PDF, TIFF/IT-pl, etc., enabling seamless and efficient processing of PDF print jobs in a mixed workflow environment.
Fourth, accept Postscript and PDF documents at the same time
AGFA's Taipan AX RIP for DEC is just like the Taipan RIP. The difference is that it can accept Postscript and PDF documents at the same time. It can also automatically convert some of the less efficient Postscript Level 2 operations into higher quality, faster Postscript. Level 3 operation. Taipan AX RIP can be applied to existing Postscript workflow without replacing existing application software. The Taipan AX RIP runs on DEC's 500MHz Alpha processor to meet DTP user demand for RIP in terms of speed and reliability.
Fifth, Intelligent Agents intelligent interface process
Harlequin developed the EP2000 RIP after launching its script management software RIP management system 4.0, using Agents (interface processes) to adapt the workflow.
As today's digital printing and publishing workflows are becoming more and more complex, the choices of input media, file formats, print delivery methods, output, and delivery methods are various, and production decisions must also take into account trapping and spelling. Large-format, color models and proofing, coupled with the need to meet customer needs for delivery, price, quality, and workflow re-arrangements, are the last minute changes, urgent tasks, and even equipment damage. The situation is always there. In order to deal with these variable factors, an advanced intelligent software is needed. The EP2000 is developed to meet this demand. It enables systems that work in a digital production environment to intelligently and automatically optimize themselves based on user preferences and preferences to accommodate changes in the production environment. Harlequin's OEMs can also form a system to enable flexible control of all aspects of the print production process to meet the needs of users.
EP2000 can also provide the ability to drive a variety of output devices; for example, color pages can be sent to different output devices as required, such as color proofing machine, signature proofing machine, and proofing proofs, and finally output to a On the station or multiple imagesetters or direct platemakers, the original file can also be converted into HTML and sent to the website. The EP2000 has the function of interpretation once/rasterization multiple times, ie the file after the interpretation is stored in a device-independent format; It is possible to rasterize multiple times for different devices with different resolutions and color corrections. The EP2000 can also have selective processing functions. For example, it is only necessary to send the page that needs proofing to the proofer.
The EP2000 also has a last minute modification function.
Source: Digital Printing
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