Report: 2016 soft packaging market revenue will reach 30 billion US dollars

According to the "North American Flexible Packaging Market Analysis" report released by commercial research and consulting firm Frost & Sullivan, in 2011, the North American flexible packaging market revenue totaled $25.4 billion. By 2016, this figure will rise to $30 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 3.8%.

“Food and beverage packaging is currently the main market for flexible packaging products, and healthcare has become a fast-growing segment of the current flexible packaging market,” said Tridisha Goswami, research analyst at Frost & Sullivan. “Innovation in flexible packaging products means, personalization and Sustained development is a crucial factor for success."

It is reported that due to its light weight and other characteristics, polymers have always dominated the market for flexible packaging materials. At the same time, flexible packaging products using polymers as materials have the advantages of good barrier properties, high clarity and high mechanical strength, and have been marketed. I am optimistic. In addition, the report also pointed out that some visual impact, use and portability, and soft packaging products with green environmental attributes will attract more attention from the market.

The report also stated that due to fierce competition from flexible packaging products from other countries, the production cost of flexible packaging has gradually decreased, which has slowed down its development in North America. However, some flexible packaging companies that pursue innovation, personalization and environmental protection will find new opportunities in the market development and thus continue to grow their business.

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