Fascinating climb

Climbing protection

The climber climbs under the protection given by the protection person through the climbing rope. One end of the climbing rope is connected with an iron lock or a belt directly connected to the climber's waist, and the other end passes through the iron lock and the descender connected with the belt on the protector's waist, and passes through one or more fixed security in the middle. Iron lock on the fulcrum. The protector keeps giving the rope (or the rope) as the climber rises. When the climber misses, tighten the rope to stop the fall. When a sudden fall occurs, the impact force is very large. It is difficult to hold the rope directly. The impact force is mainly offset by the friction force of the rope and the iron lock and the descender. Because there is a lot of friction on the protection fulcrum, people with less weight can protect those with heavier weight. The form of protection is generally divided into the following two types according to the relative position of the protection fulcrum:

Above protection:

Protect the protection of the fulcrum above the climber. As the climber ascends, the protector continues to collect the rope so that the climber does not leave any rope on his chest, but he must not pull too tightly so as not to affect the climber's actions. This should be especially noticed when he climbs up the elevation. There is no special requirement for the climber to protect the climber. When the crash occurs, the impact force is relatively small.
Safety. When using the lower protection, the equipment used generally has seat belts, iron locks and descenders. When the protector collects the rope, he should pay attention to holding a rope behind the descender at any time (or grasping the ropes on both ends of the descender), and it is difficult to stop falling only by grasping the rope in front of the descender.

Below protection:

The protective fulcrum is located below the climber. There is no above-mentioned preset protection point. Only during the ascendant's ascension, the guard rope is continuously put into the iron lock on the way to the security fulcrum. This is the only feasible protection method for leading climbers. It is practical and it is a protection method prescribed in international competitions. However, this method of protection requires the climber to hunt and protect himself, and in the event of a fall, it has a large fall distance and strong impact and is therefore generally used by skilled persons.

Climbing technology

Rock climbing should have good physical conditions, but it is more important to have skilled techniques. Learning and climbing techniques are very practical and must be practiced in constant climbing. If there are skilled people who can guide them, they will be able to get twice the result with half the effort.


The fundamental purpose of climbing in a hand is to move the body upwards and close to the rock wall. The fulcrum on the rock wall has many shapes, and there are dozens of common types. The climber should be familiar with the shape of these fulcrums, knowing where to grip the different fulcrums, and how to use force. According to the position and direction of the protrusion (depression) on the fulcrum, there are methods such as squeezing, pinching, pulling, squeezing, gripping, and pushing. But don't stick with it. There can be multiple grasping methods for the same fulcrum. Like a kind of fulcrum where there is a small platform above a circle, the general situation is to put a finger on it and pull it down vertically, but in order to make the body close to the rock wall, you can The whole pinch, flat pull. Another example is when sometimes two hands are needed to catch the same pivot point, the first hand can give up the best grip and give it to the back hand to avoid the trouble of changing hands. When grasping the fulcrum, especially when the horizontal force is applied, the position of the arm should be at the bottom, and the horizontal friction force should be increased by the downward pulling force; to fully use the strength of the thumb, try to put the thumb on the fulcrum, for the common horizontal shallow groove The fulcrum can twist the thumb, buckle one side of the belly into the flat slot, or place it on the back of the index finger and the middle finger, which can increase the strength. The strength of the fingers in the climb is very important, and usually can be practiced by means of brace, pull-ups, finger-pulling pull-ups, and pinching heavy objects. Now some foreign experts have been able to reach the level of strength of a single leader. When climbing a longer route, you can choose to easily rest with both hands. In the rest area, there should be no elevation or elevation angle, and if there is a large fulcrum on the hand, the feet should be stabilizing the fulcrum when resting, and the arms should be straightened (it is difficult to get a rest when bending). The upper body is backwards, but the waist must be Before the top, so that the lower body close to the rock wall, the weight pressed to the feet, in order to reduce the burden on the arm, do activities, fingers, shake hands and relax, and wipe some magnesium powder to avoid slipping.
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