DuPont has said that the company has developed a biopolymer for the production of fibers and fabrics in recent years: polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT), and it is also expected that this material can be used for conventional thermoplastics. Processing, including engineering plastics and films. This material is named Sorona 3GT. Currently, a company uses this material and applies it to a polyethylene material after extrusion to use as a packaging layer for solid foods. In this field, the three-layer structure with Sorona coating replaces the traditional 50 percent coextruded film. In addition, DuPont is also studying the characteristics of this biopolymer to develop a potential market.
DuPont has always been committed to the development of new bio-based products, because the future of hydrocarbon costs will increase. Shell Chemicals also developed PTT polymer Corterra. Its raw material, 1,3 propanediol (PDO), is based on petrochemical products, while DuPont Sorona polymer's raw material, PDO, is fermented with starch and a biocatalyst.
According to reports, DuPont rebuilt a continuous process plant with an annual output of 12,000 tons in Kingston, North Carolina, USA. A total of three or four similar units will be rebuilt in the plan, and the total output will reach 70,000 tons. The Sorona polyester produced by the continuous esterification process has better performance than the batch process to produce Corterra polyester. The main difference is that Sorona molecular structure is amorphous, and the molecular weight is higher and the melt stability is better. In addition, Sorona has better gas barrier than traditional polyester.
Sorona's production is mainly carried out in Asia. DuPont has already transferred the technology to several fiber and clothing manufacturers here. It plans to transfer this technology to traditional thermoplastics processors. The ideal transfer target is no investment in production. PET and PBT polyester plastic manufacturers.
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