The division can be divided into three categories:
First, the sub-version of even-numbered signatures: such as 2, 4, 6, 8, 16 pages, etc.;
The second is the division of odd-numbered signatures: such as 1, 3, and 5 pages;
The third is the sub-version of mixed signatures: 6 pages long, 9 pages long, 10 pages long and other signatures.
The principle of numbering is used to express the regularity of sub-versions. The even-numbered signatures in the sub-version diagrams are meant to be points on the number axis, which are then transferred to the positive (+) page of the signature, and On the negative (-) page of the signature, if the front page and the back page number are formed, the obtained points are the solutions sought, that is, the page number of the page. The "principle of versioning" in the table indicates the commonality of each version of the book, and the "code order decomposition" column specifically indicates the personality of a book version, which shows which pages are printed on the front side of the book. What are the pages of the reverse printing plate?
The concepts of taking points on several axes and the characteristics of the various versions of various signatures will be discussed in the postscript.
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