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3ã€é€æ°”å”设计。很多人觉得衣柜就应该密密实实的,å¦åˆ™ç°å°˜å’Œè™«å会爬进去,其实ä¸æ˜¯è¿™æ ·çš„ã€‚å®¶å…·åˆ¶é€ ä¸æˆ–多或少都会留有一些化å¦æˆåˆ†ï¼Œè®©è¡£æŸœé€æ°”æ‰å¯ä»¥è®©è¡£æœæ›´å¥½çš„和皮肤接触,以å…产生异味。
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Electric towel rack refers to a towel rack that uses electric heating to dry towels. It is a supporting product of high-grade bathroom. The bathroom environment is closed and humid, and the towel is hung in the bathroom for a long time, which is easy to breed bacteria. Regular towel drying and disinfection has become a need, and the intelligent and convenient electric towel rack came into being. Kaiping Yufa Sanitary Ware Co., ltd also developed several popular high end electric towel rack, the material is stainless steel, with multi-functions, like Drying, sterilization and disinfection.
Electric towel rack can quickly dry towels and clothes to avoid bacterial breeding. For example, clothes are not easy to dry in the rainy season. If there is an electric towel rack, they can be dried quickly. It is especially suitable for families with children. It usually takes only 1 hour to dry. Not only that, some electric Towel Racks can also raise the air temperature of the bathroom in winter, so that the bathing environment will not be too cold.
Electric Towel Rack,bath towel rack,towel rack shelf,towel rack warmer
Kaiping Yufa Sanitary Ware Co.,ltd , https://www.yufabathroom.com